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Saturday, April 30, 2011

Check out my Honduran Home!

Ditto for April!

I honestly have no idea where the time goes down here in Hondu. It really was just this time last month where I was in the same position of trying to get a blog post on the last day of the month just to say I got one out for the month. Unfortunately, this month will be the same thing of just a summary of my month as opposed to some witty funny anecdote of Honduran life.

Yo Merezco - This is a Peace Corps Honduras project created a few years back by the Health project. It is designed for girls age 10-15 and teaches about abstinence, self esteem, health relationships, HIV/AIDS, human rights, menstruation, anatomy and puberty, amongst other things. I started this project with a group of around fifteen girls. We meet Saturdays and I change their lives and blow their minds. OK, not really…but I do try to get the good messages across to them as best I can! :)

Chamber of Commerce – Things are continuing along with this project. We had a second meeting here in Guaimaca with some representatives from Tegucigalpa with a better showing of people this time around. Still not exactly the numbers we had hoped for, but they say the turnout we got was actually a good number for Guaimaca… Something about motivational problems here. The afternoon and days following the meetings we took to the streets with a team of five people from the Teguz office doing a survey. The survey was essentially asking to see if the local businesses would be interested in having a Chamber of Commerce here in town and what the benefits would be for them as business owners. We didn’t get as many respondents as we hoped for, however after speaking with the central office, things still look good. I should be hearing from them on Monday to know what decision they’ve made and to learn the survey results.

Showing ‘em the ropes – For a few days this month a couple of Trainees came to visit me. These are the people who are here and will soon be sworn in to be the next crop of brand new Peace Corps Honduras Volunteers. They sent two young women my way and they got to see my work for two days. It’s a really good tool that Peace Corps permits the Trainees to visit current Volunteers to get a feel of what life here is really like. The conditions during training and living with host families are much different from our day-to-day life as Volunteers.

Semana Santa – Or Holy Week to my English speaking friends. Holy Week here in Honduras is essentially Spring Break. Most institutions are closed for the whole week and many people get to escape to the beaches. Here in Guaimaca both the Alcaldia and high school I work with took the whole week off. I followed suit and enjoyed some time with friends and relaxed. It was AMAZING and a much needed vacation.

Amor y Frijoles – This is the title of a Honduran movie which was filmed in the town where I lived during most of my training last year. It was pretty much my first taste of Honduran culture, or at least holds a special place in my heart. With having my new house, I decided to fill it with pets to make it a little homier. I was gifted a dog and a cat from two different friends. Both are all black. My dog, which I got first, is a mutt but looks like a Lab. I’m glad about that. Oh yah, her name would be Frijoles. My cat has green eyes and has just joined us at home about three days ago. She is Amor and I’m hoping she grows fast since she’s not the cutest right now…

So again, those are the highlights of a month flown by. I’ve made another Cribs style video of my house since I’m finally all settled in and everything is in its place. I’m going to try to include the video here for everyone to see.

Thanks for reading!

Hasta la proxima vez…