Hey crew!
Just a quick post to let you guys keep tabs on me (for those of you not doubling up on Facebook)!
I finally got a phone and wireless modem today. It was supposed to happen last Wednesday, when the IT guy from the main PC office was allegedly bringing in a representative from the cell company to sell us phones at our training center. Dude could have sold about 30 phones, but backed out 3 days. We finally got ourselves into town and bought it today. The lady who owns the store hustled us, by charging us 50 lempiras more than what she quoted us yesterday when she was out of stock. (I guess no one plans on 50+ gringos coming into town and clearing you out, so she's been getting rocked by us.) I asked her how it changed so much in 24 hours and all she could manage was, my price went up. Yah, right. Oh well, the exchange rate we got there in the store was 18 lemps to $1, so whatev. That 50 lemp difference is about $3. Hard to get mad over $3 when I'm gettin' a cell phone and a wireless modem.
Furthermore, we went into Valle de Angeles today for a small business visit as I'd mentioned earlier. It was sweet. Myself and 3 others met with the owner of the local Internet cafe. (The one from where I'd been connecting prior to today.) It was very interesting and I learned a lot!
Sunday I'm heading out of town to visit a currently serving volunteer. She is also in Business and working with some women's groups, which I had noted may be an interest of mine during my initial interview. Will be back "home" on Wednesday.
This Saturday is "American Cultural" day at 'school' so we're supposed to represent our school or fave sports team. My friend from Oakland and myself will be reppin' Nor Cal hard with the A's and Raiders!!! Hope to get some pix goin' for you guys soon. We will see how this whole wireless Internet thing works out for me.
As always, thanks for reading, following and keeping in touch. It really means a lot to me!
Hasta la proxima vez...
hello my sweet Emily, Wow everything looks so beautiful. I really hope that you are doing good and everything is OK. We have finally started having some warmer weather. We changed our clocks ahead this weekend but I don't see any different. Wednesday is my last class and I am one more down toward my BS. You take care and know that I am very proud of you and I love you. I have since you were born and I used to squeeze you all the time.